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Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Iktibar daripada sebatang pensil
Pernah seorang anak lelaki bertanya kepada ibunya yang sedang menulis.
“Apa ibu sedang tulis? Ibu menulis tentang siapa? Atau pengalaman ibu?”
“Ibu menulis tentang diri kamu, tapi ada yang lebih penting daripada itu iaitu pensel ini.”
“Apa yang istimewa tentang pensil ini?” tanya si anak.
“Ibu berharap hidupmu adalah seperti pensil ini. Walaupun sebatang pensil, ada lima nilai yang boleh kita pelajari daripadanya. Mahu tahu?”
“Iya, ibu.”
Pertama, pensil ini mengingatkan jika kamu boleh membuat sesuatu yang hebat dalam hidup ini. Jangan lupa, ibarat pensil, ada tangan yang memegangnya. Maka, ingatlah akan adanya kuasa yang membimbing langkah hidupmu iaitu Allah SWT. Dia akan selalu membimbing kita menurut kehendak-Nya.
Kedua, ketika menulis, pensil kerap menjadi tumpul. Ibu terpaksa berheti untuk mengasahnya. Pensil ini pasti menderita ketika diraut, tetapi hasilnya ia menjadi tajam dan bagus tulisannya. Begitu juga akan berlaku dalam hidup kamu. Kamu mesti berani menempuh kesusahan kerana ia menjadi baja atau sebab untuk dirimu menjadi lebih baik.
Ketiga, pensil ini mungkin menghasilkan tulisan yang salah. Namun kita boleh memadamkan dan betulkan tulisan ini semula. Begitu yang ibu harapkan kepada anak ibu ini, sentiasalah memperbaiki kesalahan dalam hidup. Ia bukanlah sesuatu yang hina kerana dengan memperbaiki kesalahan, kita akan sentiasa berada di jalan yang benar.
Keempat, tahukah anak ibu mana yang lebih penting, luar atau isi pensil ini? Sudah tentu arang atau karbon di dalamnya. Oleh itu, berhati-hatilah dengan apa yang tidak baik dalam diri kamu itu dan hindarilah.
Kelima, pensil ini selalu meninggalkan tanda atau goresan. Begitu juga kamu, apa sahaja yang kamu buat, pasti akan meninggalkan kesannya pada diri atau pada orang lain. Ibu harap kamu akan selalu berhati-hati dan bijak dalam bertindak.
Inilah antara kata-kata yang baik untuk si anak membawa prinsip yang positif. Wahai ibu bapa, jangan berputus asa. Apa sahaja kata-kata semangat yang kita ulang-ulangkan kepada anak-anak (walau nampak seperti mereka tidak mengendahkan) pasti akan membawa bekas dalam jiwa mereka, insya Allah...
Copy paste from Akadem Kecemerlangan Keluarga...
“Apa ibu sedang tulis? Ibu menulis tentang siapa? Atau pengalaman ibu?”
“Ibu menulis tentang diri kamu, tapi ada yang lebih penting daripada itu iaitu pensel ini.”
“Apa yang istimewa tentang pensil ini?” tanya si anak.
“Ibu berharap hidupmu adalah seperti pensil ini. Walaupun sebatang pensil, ada lima nilai yang boleh kita pelajari daripadanya. Mahu tahu?”
“Iya, ibu.”
Pertama, pensil ini mengingatkan jika kamu boleh membuat sesuatu yang hebat dalam hidup ini. Jangan lupa, ibarat pensil, ada tangan yang memegangnya. Maka, ingatlah akan adanya kuasa yang membimbing langkah hidupmu iaitu Allah SWT. Dia akan selalu membimbing kita menurut kehendak-Nya.
Kedua, ketika menulis, pensil kerap menjadi tumpul. Ibu terpaksa berheti untuk mengasahnya. Pensil ini pasti menderita ketika diraut, tetapi hasilnya ia menjadi tajam dan bagus tulisannya. Begitu juga akan berlaku dalam hidup kamu. Kamu mesti berani menempuh kesusahan kerana ia menjadi baja atau sebab untuk dirimu menjadi lebih baik.
Ketiga, pensil ini mungkin menghasilkan tulisan yang salah. Namun kita boleh memadamkan dan betulkan tulisan ini semula. Begitu yang ibu harapkan kepada anak ibu ini, sentiasalah memperbaiki kesalahan dalam hidup. Ia bukanlah sesuatu yang hina kerana dengan memperbaiki kesalahan, kita akan sentiasa berada di jalan yang benar.
Keempat, tahukah anak ibu mana yang lebih penting, luar atau isi pensil ini? Sudah tentu arang atau karbon di dalamnya. Oleh itu, berhati-hatilah dengan apa yang tidak baik dalam diri kamu itu dan hindarilah.
Kelima, pensil ini selalu meninggalkan tanda atau goresan. Begitu juga kamu, apa sahaja yang kamu buat, pasti akan meninggalkan kesannya pada diri atau pada orang lain. Ibu harap kamu akan selalu berhati-hati dan bijak dalam bertindak.
Inilah antara kata-kata yang baik untuk si anak membawa prinsip yang positif. Wahai ibu bapa, jangan berputus asa. Apa sahaja kata-kata semangat yang kita ulang-ulangkan kepada anak-anak (walau nampak seperti mereka tidak mengendahkan) pasti akan membawa bekas dalam jiwa mereka, insya Allah...
Copy paste from Akadem Kecemerlangan Keluarga...
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Yusuf 10 Bulan
Lama tak tulis pasal perkembangan Yusuf :)
Yusuf dah 10bulan!!!
Lagi 2 bulan dah cukup setahun.
InsyaAllah Ibu will try to breastfeed you untill 2 years old.
Yusuf sekarang dah boleh duduk, boleh bangun sendiri dengan memanjat apa2 disekelilingnya, Boleh meniti perabot2 di rumah, boleh berjalan bila dipegang kedua tangannya, boleh membebel baba, tata, jaja...
Pasal makan, Yusuf bukan suka makan sangat. Alhamdulilah, mudah utk saya pantau pemakanannya. Dia hanya makan apabila disuap dan diberi utk makan. Yusuf biasa jilat dan gigit barang tapi x telan makanan yg pelik.
Yusuf minum susu ibu banyak huhuhu permintaan meningkat tapi penawaran berkurang. So ibu perlu berusaha membanyakkan susu badan.
Yusuf dah ada gigi sebatang tapi sikit jer naiknya hrm....
Tengok baby lain dah banyak dah gigi tumbuh. Takpelah, mudah sikit ibu x payah gosok gigi yusuf heheheh
Nampak x gigi yusuf yg cinonet itu???
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Memulihkan Semangat susu merundum
Jangan dilayan rasa down itu, makin kita layan makin susu merundum. bahagiakan hati ketika mengepam, buat rasa gembira dan syukur tak terhingga apabila ada susu menitis, iku jadual pump setiap 3jam dan buat power pumping InsyaAllah susu boleh banyak :)
Peringatan utk diriku yang semakin malas utk mengepam huhu
Peringatan utk diriku yang semakin malas utk mengepam huhu
Sharing is caring
Baby Explains- Normal Newborn Behavior
August 18, 2011 By 114 Comments
By Diana Cassar-Uhl, IBCLC
Dear Mommy,
Thank you so much for breastfeeding me! You probably already know that your milk is designed especially for me, and is better than anything else you could feed me.
I know that right now, you feel like your friends who aren’t breastfeeding their babies seem to have an easier time of things. Those other babies sleep soundly and longer between feedings, they drink so much, and they don’t fuss to eat all the time like I do! I can tell you’re getting a little bit frustrated, and I hear all the advice you’re getting … my grandma says you weren’t breastfed and you turned out just fine, my daddy says he feels like he can’t do anything to soothe me, and that lady with the cold hands that you call “doctor” gave you a can of something that she says will help me grow faster. You’re tired and frustrated because taking care of me just seems too hard, but please mommy, before you give up this yummy breastfeeding thing, let me explain some of my behavior to you. It might help you feel better.

First, if you and I were separated after I was born, for any reason (maybe it was hospital protocol that I be left under a warmer, maybe you were recovering from surgery), I’ve got some catching up to do, because I probably lost more weight than my friends who got to stay close to their mommies. It’s OK … I’m really good at letting you know when I need some more calories, but it’s important that you let me breastfeed lots and lots, even if my grandma says “he just ate!!” In my first few days, the nurses at the hospital might tell you I’m hungry and your body can’t make enough milk for me … but mommy, that colostrum from your breasts is some awesome stuff! It’s packed with protein, which binds to any bilirubin in my body (elevated bilirubin causes jaundice in more than half of newborns) so I can poop it on out. It’s also a great laxative, which makes it easy for me to get all that black, tarry meconium out of me and we can move on to the seedy, yellow-brown poops that are much easier to clean off my sweet tushie. Now, the colostrum is really thick and sticky, and I’m so small and still figuring out how to move my tongue, and we’re both still trying to get comfortable together, so it might take me 20 minutes or longer to suck out just ONE TEASPOON (5-7 mL) of that liquid gold.
But it’s OK, mommy! You know, there is really nowhere I’d rather be than in your arms, hearing your sweet voice and smelling you — even though you haven’t had a shower since before I was born, you’re just delicious to me. And something else you should know about me … even though I have a really cute “Buddha belly” that looks all chubby, the capacity of my stomach on the day I’m born is just 5-7 milliliters – that’s the size of a small marble! You’re the smartest woman in my whole world, so I know you see the connection here! The amount of colostrum in your breast is exactly the capacity of my tummy! My stomach walls on my first day of life are very rigid and won’t stretch; this is why, if anyone tries to feed me with a bottle, I’m going to spit most of it back up again, even though I eagerly suck at it. See, mommy, I only have two ways to send and receive information from my brand-new world – I can cry, and I can suck. I can’t see much, and all these sounds are so much louder than when I was inside you, and I can use my hands to help me orient myself on your breast, but crying and sucking are pretty much how I make sense of everything.
I know it seems really confusing, mommy, that I would want to suck and suck and suck even though my tummy is full. When I suck, lots of great things happen for both of us. I keep my own digestion moving by triggering the involuntary digestive muscles in peristalsis – moving the contents of my stomach along because I’m still moving my mouth and tongue, which are the beginning of my digestive tract. When you let me do all this suckling at your breast, I can very easily regulate how I suck, depending on why I’m sucking at any given moment. You can probably feel when I’m suckling nutritively and swallowing lots of milk, and when I’m kind of relaxed about it, feeding sort of like I’m savoring a bowl of ice cream … you know how sometimes, you scrape just a tiny bit onto your spoon, because you want it to last a long time? To me, you’re better than ice cream! But on a bottle, it’s impossible for me to suck and not get whatever’s in there, and that’s confusing to me, so I might keep sucking because that’s what my instinct is telling me to do, or I might realize my tummy hurts (because even on day 10, my stomach capacity is only a ping pong ball) and I’ll cry and cry because all I really know is crying and sucking!
A word about these instincts I feel … I really can’t help it, mommy, that I want to suckle so much. It’s just how I came out, and there doesn’t seem to be much that I can do about it. Please believe me, I’m not trying to trick you! In a few weeks, this need lets up a tiny bit, but for now, suckling is my M.O. But, do you want to know something really cool? I’m not the only one who benefits! When I suckle at your breast in these early days, your body actually activates prolactin receptors! Isn’t that amazing? In my first two weeks, the higher I make your prolactin levels go (my suckling triggers a prolactin surge in your body), the more of these receptors get activated in your breasts, and the higher your potential milk production will be for as long as you choose to breastfeed me. That’s one reason your lactation consultant tells you to wait on introducing that bottle or that binky– this prolactin receptor thing only happens for the first 10-14 days. After that, the prolatcin surges when I breastfeed are much smaller, so the more receptors there are to gobble up what prolactin is there, the more easily you’ll make all the milk I need.
Besides prolactin, there’s oxytocin, another hormone I activate when I am at your breast. Oxytocin is part of what makes you so addicted to me! It’s “the love hormone” and it helps you feel relaxed and content when we’re breastfeeding. Go ahead, mommy, exhale and relax! It’s OK! Oxytocin release is triggered by nipple stimulation, not necessarily milk removal (though when things are going well, my stimulation of your nipples usually means I’m removing milk!). Now, I know this might sound a little awkward coming from your baby, but I need you to know something about oxytocin. There are only three events in your life that trigger oxytocin release: nipple stimulation (like when I’m breastfeeding), labor (the oxytocin released during childbirth stimulates uterine contractions, which is why nipple stimulation might be suggested when labor stalls, and also explains why sometimes, after you breastfeed me, you feel an increased expulsion of lochia and maybe some cramping), and … orgasm!! Isn’t neat that the same hormone plays a part in making me, birthing me, and feeding me, and it’s a hormone that makes you feel GOOD to do all three?

Mommy, I know you are trying your very best for me and you’ve been worried about whether your body can satisfy my appetite. I know you’re used to being able to measure everything, and your breasts don’t have markers on them to tell you how much milk I got. Maybe you used a breast pump, and that confirmed your worries that there isn’t much milk there – but mommy, please understand that a good pump can mimic me, but your body wasn’t designed to have all these wonderful hormone surges for a cold piece of plastic with a noisy vacuum motor. You know that feeling you get when you hold my warmth and weight, smell how delicious I am, and nom nom nom on my fat cheeks? That feeling helps you make milk! That feeling is part of the whole system that was designed to make you need to be close to me, just as much as I need to be close to you. And mommy, I know you’re very busy, and important, and there’s so much you used to do before I came, and I know right now, it feels like you’ll never do those things again, and our house is getting messy, and maybe that scares you. But please know, every moment you spend holding me, every time you gaze lovingly at me, and every hour you spend breastfeeding me in these early days is so important to me, because you’re all I know. I love daddy and grandma and all of our friends, but I’m designed to be happiest and least stressed when I’m with you. Can you wear me in a sling or soft carrier after I’m milk-drunk? I really like listening to your heart beating while I sleep, and you are warm and soft and smell so good. That space between your breasts is perfectly sized for my head, and there’s nothing I like better than the feel of your skin against mine. Well, maybe there is something I like better … I love it when you sleep next to me after we’ve been breastfeeding. Oh, mommy, when you nurse me while lying down, you relax and your milk flows so nicely, and I feel like you’re so happy to be with me, and I’m very special to you because you don’t have to run off and do something else as soon as I’ve let your breast go.
And mommy, I have a promise to make to you. I can’t say for sure when it will happen, but there will come a day when I need you a little bit less intensely. My feedings will get more organized, my weight gain will stabilize, and sometimes, I’ll even like when my daddy or grandma or other loving person holds me. But today, I need you. You’ll always be my number one, even after we’re done breastfeeding, but I will learn, like you did, to defer my needs and to trust others to meet them once you and I get a good thing going. Thank you so much for all you’ve done for me so far. Until you start giving me an allowance, I hope my good health, sweet smiles, coos, and giggles will sustain you!
Baby Explains- Normal Newborn Behavior
August 18, 2011 By 114 Comments
By Diana Cassar-Uhl, IBCLC
Dear Mommy,
Thank you so much for breastfeeding me! You probably already know that your milk is designed especially for me, and is better than anything else you could feed me.
I know that right now, you feel like your friends who aren’t breastfeeding their babies seem to have an easier time of things. Those other babies sleep soundly and longer between feedings, they drink so much, and they don’t fuss to eat all the time like I do! I can tell you’re getting a little bit frustrated, and I hear all the advice you’re getting … my grandma says you weren’t breastfed and you turned out just fine, my daddy says he feels like he can’t do anything to soothe me, and that lady with the cold hands that you call “doctor” gave you a can of something that she says will help me grow faster. You’re tired and frustrated because taking care of me just seems too hard, but please mommy, before you give up this yummy breastfeeding thing, let me explain some of my behavior to you. It might help you feel better.

First, if you and I were separated after I was born, for any reason (maybe it was hospital protocol that I be left under a warmer, maybe you were recovering from surgery), I’ve got some catching up to do, because I probably lost more weight than my friends who got to stay close to their mommies. It’s OK … I’m really good at letting you know when I need some more calories, but it’s important that you let me breastfeed lots and lots, even if my grandma says “he just ate!!” In my first few days, the nurses at the hospital might tell you I’m hungry and your body can’t make enough milk for me … but mommy, that colostrum from your breasts is some awesome stuff! It’s packed with protein, which binds to any bilirubin in my body (elevated bilirubin causes jaundice in more than half of newborns) so I can poop it on out. It’s also a great laxative, which makes it easy for me to get all that black, tarry meconium out of me and we can move on to the seedy, yellow-brown poops that are much easier to clean off my sweet tushie. Now, the colostrum is really thick and sticky, and I’m so small and still figuring out how to move my tongue, and we’re both still trying to get comfortable together, so it might take me 20 minutes or longer to suck out just ONE TEASPOON (5-7 mL) of that liquid gold.
But it’s OK, mommy! You know, there is really nowhere I’d rather be than in your arms, hearing your sweet voice and smelling you — even though you haven’t had a shower since before I was born, you’re just delicious to me. And something else you should know about me … even though I have a really cute “Buddha belly” that looks all chubby, the capacity of my stomach on the day I’m born is just 5-7 milliliters – that’s the size of a small marble! You’re the smartest woman in my whole world, so I know you see the connection here! The amount of colostrum in your breast is exactly the capacity of my tummy! My stomach walls on my first day of life are very rigid and won’t stretch; this is why, if anyone tries to feed me with a bottle, I’m going to spit most of it back up again, even though I eagerly suck at it. See, mommy, I only have two ways to send and receive information from my brand-new world – I can cry, and I can suck. I can’t see much, and all these sounds are so much louder than when I was inside you, and I can use my hands to help me orient myself on your breast, but crying and sucking are pretty much how I make sense of everything.
I know it seems really confusing, mommy, that I would want to suck and suck and suck even though my tummy is full. When I suck, lots of great things happen for both of us. I keep my own digestion moving by triggering the involuntary digestive muscles in peristalsis – moving the contents of my stomach along because I’m still moving my mouth and tongue, which are the beginning of my digestive tract. When you let me do all this suckling at your breast, I can very easily regulate how I suck, depending on why I’m sucking at any given moment. You can probably feel when I’m suckling nutritively and swallowing lots of milk, and when I’m kind of relaxed about it, feeding sort of like I’m savoring a bowl of ice cream … you know how sometimes, you scrape just a tiny bit onto your spoon, because you want it to last a long time? To me, you’re better than ice cream! But on a bottle, it’s impossible for me to suck and not get whatever’s in there, and that’s confusing to me, so I might keep sucking because that’s what my instinct is telling me to do, or I might realize my tummy hurts (because even on day 10, my stomach capacity is only a ping pong ball) and I’ll cry and cry because all I really know is crying and sucking!
A word about these instincts I feel … I really can’t help it, mommy, that I want to suckle so much. It’s just how I came out, and there doesn’t seem to be much that I can do about it. Please believe me, I’m not trying to trick you! In a few weeks, this need lets up a tiny bit, but for now, suckling is my M.O. But, do you want to know something really cool? I’m not the only one who benefits! When I suckle at your breast in these early days, your body actually activates prolactin receptors! Isn’t that amazing? In my first two weeks, the higher I make your prolactin levels go (my suckling triggers a prolactin surge in your body), the more of these receptors get activated in your breasts, and the higher your potential milk production will be for as long as you choose to breastfeed me. That’s one reason your lactation consultant tells you to wait on introducing that bottle or that binky– this prolactin receptor thing only happens for the first 10-14 days. After that, the prolatcin surges when I breastfeed are much smaller, so the more receptors there are to gobble up what prolactin is there, the more easily you’ll make all the milk I need.
Besides prolactin, there’s oxytocin, another hormone I activate when I am at your breast. Oxytocin is part of what makes you so addicted to me! It’s “the love hormone” and it helps you feel relaxed and content when we’re breastfeeding. Go ahead, mommy, exhale and relax! It’s OK! Oxytocin release is triggered by nipple stimulation, not necessarily milk removal (though when things are going well, my stimulation of your nipples usually means I’m removing milk!). Now, I know this might sound a little awkward coming from your baby, but I need you to know something about oxytocin. There are only three events in your life that trigger oxytocin release: nipple stimulation (like when I’m breastfeeding), labor (the oxytocin released during childbirth stimulates uterine contractions, which is why nipple stimulation might be suggested when labor stalls, and also explains why sometimes, after you breastfeed me, you feel an increased expulsion of lochia and maybe some cramping), and … orgasm!! Isn’t neat that the same hormone plays a part in making me, birthing me, and feeding me, and it’s a hormone that makes you feel GOOD to do all three?

Mommy, I know you are trying your very best for me and you’ve been worried about whether your body can satisfy my appetite. I know you’re used to being able to measure everything, and your breasts don’t have markers on them to tell you how much milk I got. Maybe you used a breast pump, and that confirmed your worries that there isn’t much milk there – but mommy, please understand that a good pump can mimic me, but your body wasn’t designed to have all these wonderful hormone surges for a cold piece of plastic with a noisy vacuum motor. You know that feeling you get when you hold my warmth and weight, smell how delicious I am, and nom nom nom on my fat cheeks? That feeling helps you make milk! That feeling is part of the whole system that was designed to make you need to be close to me, just as much as I need to be close to you. And mommy, I know you’re very busy, and important, and there’s so much you used to do before I came, and I know right now, it feels like you’ll never do those things again, and our house is getting messy, and maybe that scares you. But please know, every moment you spend holding me, every time you gaze lovingly at me, and every hour you spend breastfeeding me in these early days is so important to me, because you’re all I know. I love daddy and grandma and all of our friends, but I’m designed to be happiest and least stressed when I’m with you. Can you wear me in a sling or soft carrier after I’m milk-drunk? I really like listening to your heart beating while I sleep, and you are warm and soft and smell so good. That space between your breasts is perfectly sized for my head, and there’s nothing I like better than the feel of your skin against mine. Well, maybe there is something I like better … I love it when you sleep next to me after we’ve been breastfeeding. Oh, mommy, when you nurse me while lying down, you relax and your milk flows so nicely, and I feel like you’re so happy to be with me, and I’m very special to you because you don’t have to run off and do something else as soon as I’ve let your breast go.
And mommy, I have a promise to make to you. I can’t say for sure when it will happen, but there will come a day when I need you a little bit less intensely. My feedings will get more organized, my weight gain will stabilize, and sometimes, I’ll even like when my daddy or grandma or other loving person holds me. But today, I need you. You’ll always be my number one, even after we’re done breastfeeding, but I will learn, like you did, to defer my needs and to trust others to meet them once you and I get a good thing going. Thank you so much for all you’ve done for me so far. Until you start giving me an allowance, I hope my good health, sweet smiles, coos, and giggles will sustain you!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Saya nak kurus
Sebenarnya nak update perkembangan Yusuf 10 bulan..
Tapi masalah biasa, gambar tidak terupload...huhu
Jadinya kita bertukar topik "Saya nak kurus"
Sejak selepas raya ini, berat badan makin bertambah.
Baju2 semakin ketat, dan baju raya yg dah jahit size baru pun ketat juga huhuhu
Sebelum baju2 saya terkoyak, saya rasa perlu utk kuruskan badan.
Bila naik tangga kat umah or bermain dengan baby, badan cepat betul mengah.
Asyik terbaring ajer penat buat apa ntah huhu
Terjumpa web ni
Menarik gak budak ni punya penyampaian. Membuatkan saya rasa macam mudah utk kurus.
Tapi itula disiplin yang tinggi diperlukan utk kurus.
So, kene cuba dulu tips2 pemakanan Dzul ni.
Moga, dapat semangat utk kuruskan badan :)
Tapi masalah biasa, gambar tidak terupload...huhu
Jadinya kita bertukar topik "Saya nak kurus"
Sejak selepas raya ini, berat badan makin bertambah.
Baju2 semakin ketat, dan baju raya yg dah jahit size baru pun ketat juga huhuhu
Sebelum baju2 saya terkoyak, saya rasa perlu utk kuruskan badan.
Bila naik tangga kat umah or bermain dengan baby, badan cepat betul mengah.
Asyik terbaring ajer penat buat apa ntah huhu
Terjumpa web ni
Menarik gak budak ni punya penyampaian. Membuatkan saya rasa macam mudah utk kurus.
Tapi itula disiplin yang tinggi diperlukan utk kurus.
So, kene cuba dulu tips2 pemakanan Dzul ni.
Moga, dapat semangat utk kuruskan badan :)
Taman Metropolitan Kepong
Hrm... org jongging at least seminggu sekali, saya jogging 3bulan sekali huhu
Every weekend memang niat nak g taman berjogging. Tapi Asyik terbabas ajer.
Alhamdulilah... seronok kami berekreasi di sini.
Ramai orang memancing dekat sini. Kalau nak joging memang best sebab jalannya best tapi geram ada motor banyak huhu
Riso jer takut kene langgar
Ada tasik teratai... Agak2 ada orang kutip biji teratai x kat sini? ermm... sedapnya
Yusuf dah tido, kitaorg makan2 jap sementara tunggu Dr. Yusuf bangun Tidur
Thursday, September 15, 2011
To my beloved Husband
It was unpredictable how we could fall in love,
But now I keep falling in love with u every day,
It would seem weird and a hole in my heart when you are away from me.
I never thought how kind u is, and I felt grateful for that.
I hope our love will always grow bigger through our whole life and I wish I could be the angel to light up your life.
But, if I made mistake and not treated u well, I hope u could forgive me.
Truth yours.. Your wife.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Review Ameda Breastpump
Saya nak komen mengenai Ameda Breastpump yg sy beli dulu dalam entry Breastpump Ameda.
Saya mula mengepam pada saat Yusuf baru lahir. Hahahaah
Macam x cayer jer kan. Saya bersalin di hospital Gov. Selepas beranak, kita berpeluang utk Breastfeed kan baby lebih kurang sejam selepas beranak. Mula2 mmg nurse tlg, lepas tu dia tinggalkan kita. Almaklumla, saya baru pas branak, perut mmg kosong giler setelah Poo poo dan muntah banyak kali. Pastu dah meneran baby bagai nak mati. Mana larat nk blajar bF segala. 3 kali panggil nurse utk tlg BF, Last2 nurse tu kata guna pump ajer.
Apa yang sy nak komen, Ameda BP ni mmg best.
1. Sangat Heavy duty. saya mengepam hampir setiap jam memandangkan semangat Susu ibu walaupun tidak berjaya direct BF. Wohooho terasa diri ini seperti lembu or kilang susu. Cuma awal2 tu mmg kurang berjaya. Sebab susu x banyak lagi. Tapi jgn riso susu ibu mmg cukup utk baby. Perut baby kecik ajer. Kalau Breastpump yang tidak heavy duty, ianya mudah rosak kalu kita kerap pump.
2. bunyinya x bising. Malam2 saya selalu mengepam. Bunyinya ada tp x la bising sampai annoying. My baby n husband still leh tido dgn nyenyaknya
3. Susu x masuk balik dalam tiub. Uniknya Ameda ni dia punya corong pam ada diaphagram yang akan menutup lubang tiub udara. Yelakan, kalu pam mlm2, macam2 jadinya. susu tumpah, pam terbalik haih. Tapi kene make sure diletakkan rapat dan dengan betul. Kalu masa pump, Diaphgram tu cam penyet sangat n suction Breast x kuat maksudnya x betul la tuh.
4. Lebih ringan dari spectra tapi lebih berat dari medela. Sekarang dah kerja, pam itu memang ringan tapi cooler beg yg berat huhu.
5. Ada penetapan cycle. Bila susu keluar, kan ada let down reflex. So bila tgh LDR ni kita set kan cycle yg panjang sket jer. Maksudnya kepanjangan sedutan itu. Srot...srot...srot.. waktu biasa. sroooooot....srooooot....srooooot... waktu LDR. Orang kata inila yang boleh tingkatkan hormon semasa penyusuan. Sebab macam boleh massage nipple. WallahuA'lam
Cuma kelemahannya adalah: tangan kene pegang pump. huhu memg x larat pegang waktu tengah mamai. Patutnya buatla pump yang sambil tido pun leh mengepam. Kalu leh dalam posisi baring heheheh. Tahun depan nak buat kutu medela fs haha kalu ada duitla.
Untuk yang manual Ameda BP pulak.
1. Sangat mudah dibawa. Kecik ajer pam nyer
2. Sangat mudah caranya. xde wayar berselirat. X yah nk cari plug. kat mana2 pun leh pam
So kalu sapa yg tanya saya ok x Ameda BP ni? sila baca di atas hahaha
Saya mula mengepam pada saat Yusuf baru lahir. Hahahaah
Macam x cayer jer kan. Saya bersalin di hospital Gov. Selepas beranak, kita berpeluang utk Breastfeed kan baby lebih kurang sejam selepas beranak. Mula2 mmg nurse tlg, lepas tu dia tinggalkan kita. Almaklumla, saya baru pas branak, perut mmg kosong giler setelah Poo poo dan muntah banyak kali. Pastu dah meneran baby bagai nak mati. Mana larat nk blajar bF segala. 3 kali panggil nurse utk tlg BF, Last2 nurse tu kata guna pump ajer.
Apa yang sy nak komen, Ameda BP ni mmg best.
1. Sangat Heavy duty. saya mengepam hampir setiap jam memandangkan semangat Susu ibu walaupun tidak berjaya direct BF. Wohooho terasa diri ini seperti lembu or kilang susu. Cuma awal2 tu mmg kurang berjaya. Sebab susu x banyak lagi. Tapi jgn riso susu ibu mmg cukup utk baby. Perut baby kecik ajer. Kalau Breastpump yang tidak heavy duty, ianya mudah rosak kalu kita kerap pump.
2. bunyinya x bising. Malam2 saya selalu mengepam. Bunyinya ada tp x la bising sampai annoying. My baby n husband still leh tido dgn nyenyaknya
3. Susu x masuk balik dalam tiub. Uniknya Ameda ni dia punya corong pam ada diaphagram yang akan menutup lubang tiub udara. Yelakan, kalu pam mlm2, macam2 jadinya. susu tumpah, pam terbalik haih. Tapi kene make sure diletakkan rapat dan dengan betul. Kalu masa pump, Diaphgram tu cam penyet sangat n suction Breast x kuat maksudnya x betul la tuh.
4. Lebih ringan dari spectra tapi lebih berat dari medela. Sekarang dah kerja, pam itu memang ringan tapi cooler beg yg berat huhu.
5. Ada penetapan cycle. Bila susu keluar, kan ada let down reflex. So bila tgh LDR ni kita set kan cycle yg panjang sket jer. Maksudnya kepanjangan sedutan itu. Srot...srot...srot.. waktu biasa. sroooooot....srooooot....srooooot... waktu LDR. Orang kata inila yang boleh tingkatkan hormon semasa penyusuan. Sebab macam boleh massage nipple. WallahuA'lam
Cuma kelemahannya adalah: tangan kene pegang pump. huhu memg x larat pegang waktu tengah mamai. Patutnya buatla pump yang sambil tido pun leh mengepam. Kalu leh dalam posisi baring heheheh. Tahun depan nak buat kutu medela fs haha kalu ada duitla.
Untuk yang manual Ameda BP pulak.
1. Sangat mudah dibawa. Kecik ajer pam nyer
2. Sangat mudah caranya. xde wayar berselirat. X yah nk cari plug. kat mana2 pun leh pam
So kalu sapa yg tanya saya ok x Ameda BP ni? sila baca di atas hahaha
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Kekejaman Baby Sitter.. Parent pls Spot Check
Berjalan-jalan di KIM, perghhh... menggeletar baca pengalaman ibu nih.
Babysiter sanggup bertindak kejam pada budak2.
Erghhh... memang kene spot checkla kalu kita hantar pengasuh yang tidak berdaftar dengan JKM.
Yela jaga anak orang ikut suka hati jer.
Peringatan kepada ibu bapa, jangan terlalu mudah menghantar anak kepada orang lain. Selidik dulu latar belakang cara penjagaan mereka.
Ini kisah kekejaman BS yang lain plak.
Bertahan Mengepam susu di Bulan Ramadhan
Dah nak sebulan raya baru nak cerita huhu
Dah lama sebenarnya mengarang dalam otak, tapi tak tertaip plak.
Ditambah dengan kerja-kerja jadinya bertangguhla entry ini.
Bermula bulan Ramadhan, anak saya dah berumur 8bulan 2minggu.
Waktu tu saya baru jer berjaya pulih dari kemerunduman susu
dan mengalami bengkak susu.
Minggu pertama berpuasa, saya bendera merah. jadinya susu saya masih lagi meriah.
Minggu kedua berpuasa, saya dah mula berpuasa dan susu tetap meriah mungkin kerana bangun waktu sahur jadi punctual mengepam waktu malam.
Minggu ketiga berpuasa susu dari hari ke hari makin berkurang. mungkin kerana sudah lewat bangun sahur jadinya kurang mengepam waktu malam
Minggu keempat... uhuhuhuk susu merundum
Saya pula ambil cuti awal, seminggu berpuasa di Kelantan. Oleh kerana sekali pam saya hanya dapat 1Oz hingga 3 Oz sahaja, jadinya saya tambah air masak utk mengelakkan mak mertua sy membebel susu x cukup.
Yelah sy Fully breastfeeding dan seboleh-bolehnya tidak mahu menggunakan Formula Milk.
Mak mertua memang perasan susu saya cair, jadi saya jawab "Yusuf tak suka minum air masak padahal dia dah makan bubur. Tu yang nana campur air masak dalam susu."
Hehehe... memang bohong sunat.
Pada hari Raya, Alhamdulilah susu kembali normal. Mungkin kerana perasaan ibu yang gembira maka hormon Oxytocin bertambah menyebabkan susu badan juga bertambah hehehe.
Pengalaman saya mengepam susu semasa Ramadhan.. owh sungguh menguji kesabaran.
Not sure samada kurang minum air atau disebabkan perasaan bimbang saya terlalu risau berpuasa menyebabkan susu badan berkurang.
Owh.. saya tak makan pil shaklee, semasa Ramadhan ini sebab saya saje nak experiment menguji produktiviti susu di Bulan Ramadhan.
Dah lama sebenarnya mengarang dalam otak, tapi tak tertaip plak.
Ditambah dengan kerja-kerja jadinya bertangguhla entry ini.
Bermula bulan Ramadhan, anak saya dah berumur 8bulan 2minggu.
Waktu tu saya baru jer berjaya pulih dari kemerunduman susu
dan mengalami bengkak susu.
Minggu pertama berpuasa, saya bendera merah. jadinya susu saya masih lagi meriah.
Minggu kedua berpuasa, saya dah mula berpuasa dan susu tetap meriah mungkin kerana bangun waktu sahur jadi punctual mengepam waktu malam.
Minggu ketiga berpuasa susu dari hari ke hari makin berkurang. mungkin kerana sudah lewat bangun sahur jadinya kurang mengepam waktu malam
Minggu keempat... uhuhuhuk susu merundum
Saya pula ambil cuti awal, seminggu berpuasa di Kelantan. Oleh kerana sekali pam saya hanya dapat 1Oz hingga 3 Oz sahaja, jadinya saya tambah air masak utk mengelakkan mak mertua sy membebel susu x cukup.
Yelah sy Fully breastfeeding dan seboleh-bolehnya tidak mahu menggunakan Formula Milk.
Mak mertua memang perasan susu saya cair, jadi saya jawab "Yusuf tak suka minum air masak padahal dia dah makan bubur. Tu yang nana campur air masak dalam susu."
Hehehe... memang bohong sunat.
Pada hari Raya, Alhamdulilah susu kembali normal. Mungkin kerana perasaan ibu yang gembira maka hormon Oxytocin bertambah menyebabkan susu badan juga bertambah hehehe.
Pengalaman saya mengepam susu semasa Ramadhan.. owh sungguh menguji kesabaran.
Not sure samada kurang minum air atau disebabkan perasaan bimbang saya terlalu risau berpuasa menyebabkan susu badan berkurang.
Owh.. saya tak makan pil shaklee, semasa Ramadhan ini sebab saya saje nak experiment menguji produktiviti susu di Bulan Ramadhan.
Ku seru Semangat Up date blog
Sejak akhir2 ini dah malas nak update blog huhu
Padahal selalu jer mengarang dlm otak. Tapi bila dah depan komputer malas plak nak menaip huhu
Bila la semangat meng update blog nak datang lagi huhu
Padahal selalu jer mengarang dlm otak. Tapi bila dah depan komputer malas plak nak menaip huhu
Bila la semangat meng update blog nak datang lagi huhu
Friday, September 9, 2011
Yusuf potong rambut 2
Umur 9 bulan stengah, ibu bawa yusuf potong rambut. Ingat nak bawa potong rambut kat Kelantan murah rm2 jer. Tapi tutupla plak ore cuti raya. So berayala dengan rambut Helmetnya hehe
Ibu dah trim rambut yusuf sebelum pose ari tu. Tak duduk diam, jadi tak sama. Bukan salah ibu yang mengandung haha
Musykil, en somi dia letak kain, tp org nk gunting rambut x letak plak?
yusuf masih lg excited
Yusuf, muka tidak rela
Yusuf rambut mawi :)
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf zahir batin.
Selamat Hari Raya :)
Huhu... Orang dah raya lama baru nak ucap selamat huhuhu
Mintak maaflah, dah lama x update blog.
Anyway, masih sempat beraya lagi kan???
Ikhlas dari diri saya sekeluarga, Mohon maaf zahir dan batin di atas kesilapan berkata-kata, kesalahan tindakan dan mohon dihalalkan segala makan dan minum.
Mungkin ini raya terakhir kita bersama. Siapa tahu bila ajal akan tiba.
Sesungguhnya, saya hanyalah manusia biasa yang hina lagi kerdil berbanding diri anda semua. Saya tidak dapat lari daripada melakukan kesalahan kerana saya hanya manusia biasa.
Huhu... Orang dah raya lama baru nak ucap selamat huhuhu
Mintak maaflah, dah lama x update blog.
Anyway, masih sempat beraya lagi kan???
Ikhlas dari diri saya sekeluarga, Mohon maaf zahir dan batin di atas kesilapan berkata-kata, kesalahan tindakan dan mohon dihalalkan segala makan dan minum.
Mungkin ini raya terakhir kita bersama. Siapa tahu bila ajal akan tiba.
Sesungguhnya, saya hanyalah manusia biasa yang hina lagi kerdil berbanding diri anda semua. Saya tidak dapat lari daripada melakukan kesalahan kerana saya hanya manusia biasa.
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