Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Kenapa anak tidak mahu menyusu

Ada kawan saya bertanya, anaknya sudah tidak mahu menghisap cik B nya walaupun sudah sebulan menghisap tiba2 shj tidak mahu hisap cik B.
hehe.. ini sebenarnya masalah biasa. Semua ibu pun pernah mengalami masalah yg sama.
Sabar, usaha dan cari jalan penyelesaian. Jangan fikir ia masalah besar. Fokus kepada penyelesaian shaja. Segala emosi dan kata2 org sekeliling sila abaikan. Think positive.

Mula2 ibu perlu kenalpasti faktor fizikal.

There are many causes for nursing strikes. These include:
Mastitis Your milk supply may decrease after a breast infection, and the sodium levels may rise, making the milk taste salty. These are temporary problems, but your baby doesn’t know that.

Teething Some babies respond to the discomfort of teething by wanting to nurse more often, while others will refuse to nurse at all. Click the following link for more information on baby teething.

Illness If your baby has a stuffy nose, a cold sore, an ear infection or thrush in his mouth, nursing may be uncomfortable for him. If he has an ear infection, lying on his infected ear may be uncomfortable. Try nursing him in an upright position or the football hold to avoid pressure on the affected ear. If his nose is congested, ask your doctor about ways to unclog it .However, if giving a bottle is the only way to get your baby to eat during a strike, don’t stress about it too much. Most babies will go back to the breast after they feel better, even if they have had a few bottles.

Reaction to stress Some babies will respond to negative stimuli by refusing to nurse. This stress may be caused by siblings vying for your attention during nursings, a change in environment (such as travel to a new place or moving to a new house), your overreaction to being bitten, or severe stress in your life (divorce, death in the family, etc.)

• Prolonged separation from mother Sometimes a baby will refuse to resume nursing after mom has left him for a weekend or longer.

Low milk supply This can be caused by long intervals between nursings, overuse of bottles or pacifiers or an illness in the mother. This can cause a Catch-22 situation: your supply is low, so your baby won’t stay on the breast long enough to build it back up — but because he doesn’t nurse long enough, your supply doesn’t increase.

Change in the taste of the milk Applying creams or ointments (other than lanolin especially formulated for nursing mothers, which is odorless and tasteless), using a new product such as shampoo or deodorant, and rarely something in your diet (such as dairy products or excessive caffeine) can cause babies to refuse the breast.

Mungkin disebabkan Oral Thrush
The baby may be fussy and gassy, and sucking may be uncomfortable for him. He may pull off the breast, or may refuse to nurse at all. It is also possible for him to have an overgrowth of yeast but have no visible symptoms.
[Sumber: Information Sheet and Care Plan for Yeast (Candida),]

Cara pujuk baby hisap cik B semula

Ni yang saya belajar dari klinik Dr. Koe Paeditrician  (Sesuai utk baby 3bulan ke bawah)
1. Bedung baby ketat2 supaya mudah kita memegang dan handle baby.
2. Baby perlu dalam keadaan tenang lebih baik waktu tengah mamai bgun tidur.
3. Ambil syringe dan isikan ebm ke dalam syringe. (Minta suami standby ditepi)
4. Geselkan cik N pada mulut baby sehingga baby tenganga-nganga.
5. Sepitkan Aerola guna jari telunjuk dan jari hantu supaya Cik n muncung dan baby dapat menangkap Breast  ibu.
6. Minta suami alirkan susu ke atas breast pastikan mengalir masuk ke mulut baby.
7. Apabila baby mula menghisap sumbatkan sebanyak mungkin kawasan hitam (aerola) ke dalam mulut baby. Tolak sedikit demi sedikit ke dalam mulut baby. Dalam masa yang sama, suami masih mengalirkan ebm dr syringe ke Breast ibu.
8. Jika gagal, berehat sebentar ibu, ayah dan baby perlu bertenang dan ulang lagi sehingga berjaya.
9. Elakkan penggunaan botol dan puting. Susukan anak menggunakan syringe / sudu / cup feeding.

Help -- My Baby Won't Nurse!

By Kelly Bonyata, BS, IBCLC

General tips
Your goal is to coax baby to the breast. Do not attempt to force your baby to breastfeed. Forcing baby to the breast does not work, stresses baby, and can result in baby forming an aversion to the breast. As baby gets better at nursing and is able to get more milk via nursing, he will grow to trust that breastfeeding works and will have more patience when latching.
  • Wear clothing that allows very easy access to the breasts. Baby may get very impatient in the split-second it takes for mom to lift the blouse and undo the bra. Spend time, if possible, in a warm place that allows both mom and baby to be naked from the waist up

  • Lots of skin-to-skin contact can help your baby nurse better and even gain weight faster. Keep your baby with you as much as possible, and give him lots of opportunities to nurse (even if you're not successful). Get skin-to-skin with him, first when he is sleepy, right after a bottle feed (or however you're supplementing). This way baby has the opportunity to sleep and wake up happily, skin to skin at mom's chest, and mom is right there to catch the earliest hunger cues. If baby moves toward the breast and then falls asleep before even mouthing the nipple, or after sucking twice, then these are positive baby steps, not failures. (Read more about kangaroo care or take a look at the book.)

  • Offer the breast often. Try breastfeeding in baby's favorite place, in his favorite position, in the bath, while walking around, while lying down, with baby upright, baby flat on his back, in his sleep, just as he is waking, any time baby looks as if he might be interested, or any other way you can think of, i.e. any time, anywhere.

  • Avoid pressuring baby to nurse. Offer in an ultra-casual way and pretend you don't mind if he refuses (easier said than done, but try not to show any frustration - your aim is to avoid pressuring baby to nurse). Don't hold the back of baby's head or push or hold baby to the breast. If baby pulls off the breast, then don't try to make him go back onto the breast at that time - simply try again later. If baby seems frustrated with your offering the breast, then turn the pressure down and simply make the breast available (lots of skin-to-skin!) without offering. It can be helpful to have lots of skin-to-skin time with baby where he is cuddled at the breast with no pressure to nurse - give control over to your baby, so that baby decides if and when to nurse and when to stop nursing.

  • Carry your baby close to you (a sling or other baby carrier can help with this). "Wear," carry, hold and cuddle your baby as much as possible; carry baby on your hip while doing other things, play with baby, and give baby lots of focused attention.

  • Sleep near your baby. If baby sleeps with you, you'll get more skin-to-skin contact, plus baby has more access to the breast (see this information on safe co-sleeping). If baby is not in the same bed, have baby's bed beside your bed or in the same room so that you can catch early feeding cues, breastfeed easier at night, and get more sleep.

  • Nipple shields can be helpful at times for transitioning baby to the breast. Talk to your lactation consultant about using this tool.

  • Comfort nursing is often the first to come, followed by nutritive nursing. Offer the breast for comfort any time you see a chance- at the end of a feeding when baby is not hungry, when baby is going to sleep or just waking up, when baby is asleep, and whenever he needs to comfort suck If your baby is actively resisting nursing, then try encouraging comfort nursing after baby is comfortable with skin-to-skin contact. After baby is willing to nurse for comfort, you can then proceed to working on nursing for "meals" as well.
You are working to seduce your baby back to breast. Again, coax, don't force! 


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  3. Thanks atas info yang sangat berguna. :D
